Two papers are accepted by ICRA2023.

Congratulations to Jiajun An, Yunxi Tang, Shengzhi Wang, and Ching Yan Wong


Two conference papers that I mentored are accepted by ICRA 2023, and they are:

  1. Towards Safe Landing of Falling Quadruped Robots Using a 3-DoF Morphable Inertial Tail by Yunxi Tang, Jiajun An, Xiangyu Chu, Shengzhi Wang, Ching Yan Wong, and K. W. Samuel Au (
  2. Towards Exact Interaction Force Control for Underactuated Quadrupedal Systems with Orthogonal Projection and Quadratic Programming by Shengzhi Wang, Xiangyu Chu, and K. W. Samuel Au (

See you in London!

Xiangyu Chu, Postdoctoral Fellow

My research interests include (teleoperated) locomotion and/or manipulation, underactuated control, bio-inspired robots, and medical robots.